Tide Optics

Tide Optics Pro Mist Cinesoft 1/4 filter | Diffusion Cinematic Film-Like Dream Effect

Sale price Price €48,69 Regular price Unit price  per 

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  • CINEMATIC IMAGE ➊ Capture soft, cinematic, film-like images & video straight out of the camera with the Tide Optics Pro Mist Cinesoft filter.
  • UNIQUE STYLE ➋ Take the crisp digital edge off your shots. Creates a dreamy mist pastel-like unique effect, Increasing the production value of the shot.
  • LIGHT DIFFUSION ➌ Softens & blooms the image highlights. Softens & blooms a wide range of light sources, from very dark to harsh direct sunlight.
  • CLEAR BLEMISHES ➍ Smooths and softens any blemishes, wrinkles, or imperfections in the subject's skin, as well as adding a dream-like glow.
  • PLEASE READ ➎ Buy the correct Pro Mist Cinesoft filter, your lens thread size is marked with a diameter symbol “ø” e.g ø77mm. 1% of the purchase is donated to ocean charity.

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